Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Crisis in Ferguson

Ferguson.. Every time I even think about this it fires me up. Before I say anything, everyone has their opinion. So who ever reads this don't get offended at mine, please. Cartoon number 3.. That is so true. People (mostly blacks) are seriously hurting their community, because their black community got hurt? They blame the Police? Officer Wilson was not even close in the wrong. If I am correct, Brown was robbing a store, and then attacked Officer Wilson for his weapon, and civilians are gonna get mad about the shooting of Brown?! That is like saying, "If I stab a baby cub and then go and try to cut his mother, will the mother try to attack me?" Of course she will!! What does Ferguson expect? That cops are armed to not kill criminals under reasonable circumstances? This world is making so much more excuses to commit crimes and defend felons just because they are family with them? Or the same color? Or maybe civilians do it to have something to b**** about..

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